In This FREE 5 Day Challenge, You Will…
Day 1
Learn how to become your authentic self and how you can find the courage to proudly show the world the real you.
Day 2
Learn how to remove your limiting beliefs by turning your negative thoughts into positive thoughts.
Day 3
Learn how to understand who you are, learn about your strengths, weaknesses, character traits and core values.
Day 4
Learn how to discover your talents, passions and skills to determine your purpose and what path is right for you.
Day 5
Learn how to fulfil your purpose using goal action planner to write your action steps to achieve your purpose.
Get Resources
You’ll get access to our worksheets, articles, web sources and our private Facebook community support group
Get instant access to The 5 Day Find Your Purpose Challenge now!

Hi, my name is Avis
I’m a certified life coach and a graphic designer. I created this 5-day challenge to help you discover your life purpose. Having struggled for years, feeling lost and unhappy, stuck in jobs that did not fulfil me, or utilize my talents and passions. I felt that I had no direction or purpose in life. Then 8 years ago, I started exploring and seeking my purpose by reading loads of self-help and personal development books, but it wasn’t until I studied counselling, spiritual development and practice meditation, that I discovered my purpose.
When I discovered my purpose, I finally felt I can be who I am and share the gifts given to me to help others and myself. My purpose is to help others awaken their true potential, by using my creative gifts and sharing my experiences, practices, and ideas with you, to help you awaken your true potential and live your life with passion and purpose.
The self-reflective practices and resources that I used may work for you, or it may not. At least give it go, you never know.
Join The FREE Challenge Now!
Get instant access to the 5-day email training plus access to an online community for support. I’m here to help you every step of the way!
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